Due to the outbreak of coronavirus, the nationwide lockdown left migrant and daily wage laborers helpless. Though the respective governments have asked them not to worry, some of them are walking the entire route to reach their homes. Indian cricketer, Mohammed Shami, on Tuesday, revealed the unfortunate incident where a worker traveled from Rajasthan to Bihar had fainted near his home.

On April 14, he went live on Instagram to interact with his Team India and India-led spinner Yuzvendra Chahal. The two were involved in a lengthy conversation and talked about a variety of topics, including current anxiety conditions around the world.

While talking about this, Mohammed Shami told Chahal about the fainting worker and how the pacer looked at him from the CCTV camera in his home. As soon as he saw him falling down, Shami helped the worker and provided him food.

Trying To Help As Much As Possible: Mohammed Shami:

“He is coming from Rajasthan. Imagine that he had to travel to Bihar, not far from Lucknow. He had no way to travel, and when I saw him on the CCTV camera of my house, he was starving and close to my door. So I fed him and helped him,” the 29-year-old said.

Mohammed Shami said he was doing his best for the poor and needy during the crisis. “I’m trying to help as much as I can. There are migrant workers here who are struggling to meet ends. The highway is also near my house, so I can see that people are having a hard time. I feel I should help. I am doing as much as I can,” he added.

The problem of migrant workers wanting to go home was highlighted once again on Tuesday when more than 3,000 people flocked at Bandra Station in hopes of reopening trains. However, India extended the lockdown until May 3, and the police had to charge the baton to disperse the crowd.