ICC has sent a complaint about government interference in SAC:
The International Cricket Council (ICC) has sent a complaint against the government for interference in South Africa Cricket after the CSA confirmed that it will accept an affirmative-action policy in the consultant’s appointment. The complaint was sent by a 91 years-old policy and research firm, South African Institute for Race Relations (IRR), and involved six numbers of proposals for cricket in the nation, among whose, eliminating racial quotas from the CSA management and national team completely.
The letter sent by IRR has not received by ICC yet.
While IRR knows that “the apartheid legacy transmits a long shadow” in South Africa sport, it has blamed CSA of “mismanaging for years and governmental as well as political interference”, which it alleges has created South Africa to drift from the ICC values. The letter lists of IRR whose values as integrity and transparency, accountability, smart, respect, teamwork for generating diversity, and sacrifice to the worldwide sports and its great benefits.
The letter reads “Transparency has given away to ideological concepts, honesty to political manipulation and opportunism. Excellence in the game has been negotiated by placing sporting accomplishments second to any type of political decision-making. Lagging of responsibility has meant accusation of malfeasance have remained unresolved, while permitting these issues to increase to a point where racism is now become the policy of CSA, keeping paid to any goal to give respect to diversity. Simultaneously, these failures have decreased the strength of cricket and stained the sport’s image.”
The letter gives importance to that Cricket South Africa has disobeyed against the Anti-Discrimination Policy of ICC for International Cricket, and refer to the ban slapped on South Africa at the time of the Apartheid time for its racial discrimination selection procedure. As per the under minority regulation, which concluded in the year 1994, the national team of South Africa included white-classified cricketers, and one played opposite to white players.