For all that he has done on the cricket field up until now, it is not often that you associate the term best captain with Virat Kohli regularly.

It may be since he visibly leans on MS Dhoni to setup fields during slog overs of limited over matches or him taking a word of advice from Rohit Sharma on the proceedings.

But cut to the test side, wherein neither of them has featured so prominently in the test matches he has led to a date, Kohli being the most successful Indian Test skipper has never got his due.

He may not be a conventional captain like Rohit Sharma or a natural leader like MS Dhoni, but what Virat is insanely good at being an inspiration.

He shows the team no matter what I will tell you this can be done. If it’s difficult I will show how we can go about this, and the team naturally responds to such inspirational leaders who put themselves on the line for the sake of their team performing better.

And to give credit where it is due, Kohli follows the same path of leadership across teams and formats, so be it when he leads the RCB or the Indian team in blue and white, Kohli’s captaincy formula remains simple. Lead from the front and inspire your troops to follow your chosen path.

If the inspirational Imran Khan, ever had a successor, he needn’t look beyond Virat Kohli.