The new IPL auctioneer, Charu Sharma reveals how he was brought into the IPL Mega Auctions 2022. He was having lunch at his residence in Bengaluru on Saturday afternoon and one of his old friends Brijesh Patel (Chairman of the IPL Governing Council) has called and wanted him to be there in 20 min. Here Is About Charu Sharma Journey for IPL Auctioneer.

Charu Sharma Journey for IPL Auctioneer :

Here is the conversation between Charu and Brijesh Patel :

  • Charu answered the call, Patel asked in a hurry – “where are you?”
  • On hearing that he was at home, which is just a few kilometers away from the ITC Gardenia Hotel in Bengaluru
  • Patel asked Charu to quickly get ready and reach the hotel because the IPL auctioneer Hugh Edmeades was ‘not feeling well…’

Charu Sharma had guests at home and he was not evening watching the auctions live on TV and he has no idea that Mr. Edmeades, the auctioneer of the IPL, had a fall mid-way into the proceedings.

In a recent interview, he said – “I don’t live too far from the hotel. So Brijesh called me and said, ‘just put on some clothes and run’… I was there in just 15-20 minutes. They briefed me for a bit and then we were on,

Charu is a noted television commentator and also one of the popular auctioneers at the local sporting events in Bengaluru – “I am also a regular auctioneer and have held a lot of auctions for several other leagues, except for the IPL. I was only doing what I did in the past..”

Charu has also said –  “I don’t think there were too many complications in the system that were set for the auction. The auction itself has a pattern, and the rest is all structured. Once you have a structure in place, it is not very complicated. But yes, still one expects certain butterflies in the stomach, but given the fact that I have done commentary stint for the past 40 years if I still have butterflies in my stomach, then when will they ever go away?

He also added – “I still feel that I am a commentator, but I have not worked with high-level cricket for a while now. I have done a lot of work for old friends at Star and Sony and my number has not changed…

He has concluded by saying – “I still do a fair amount of cricket and other leagues. I am 62 and if the phone rings, I still work. If it doesn’t ring, then I play golf, tennis, and stay at home. Even at times, friends tell me, ‘Hey Charu, we miss you in cricket.’ I joke and say, ‘even I miss myself.’ But that being said, I have done a lot of leagues and other assignments, the recent being the Tata Open Maharashtra. Brijesh is an old friend, so when he called, I had to go. And as a professional, I have done it before. When everything is ready, there is no problem…