The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) requested the Honorable Supreme Court on Friday for an urgent hearing on its application, which has been pending in the top court for more than two years, seeking an extended tenure to its president and secretary and some other amendments to the Supreme Court-approved Constitution for the cricket body.

Senior advocate PS Patwalia informed the Chief Justice NV Ramana and Krishna Murari bench that the BCCI‘s application had been submitted two years prior and that the court had instructed it to be listed for hearing after two weeks.

“But then Covid happened and matter could not be listed. Please list this matter for urgent hearing because amendments to the constitution are in pipeline for two years now”, he said.

The Supreme Court said that it will hear next week the plea of the Board of Control for Cricket in India seeking to amend its constitution with regard to the tenure of its office bearers including President Sourav Ganguly and Secretary Jay Shah.

CJI Ramana said, “We will consider if it can be listed next week,” responding to Patwalia’s request.

The continuation of both Ganguly and Shah depends on the application submitted by BCCI. Both were appointed by BCCI in October 2019 for a nine-month period.

As per Rule 6.4 of the BCCI Constitution, which was drafted by the committee led by former CJI RM Lodha.”An office bearer who has held any post for two consecutive terms either in a state association or in the BCCI (or a combination of both) shall not be eligible to contest any further election without having completed a cooling-off period of three years,”

Ganguly previously held the positions of joint secretary and president of the Cricket Association of Bengal, while Shah has served as an office bearer of Gujarat Cricket Association since 2013.

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