ICC World Cup 2024 Venue

The ICC asked England to host the 2024 T20 World Cup, skips from West Indies and the United States. Let us look at the details of ICC World Cup 2024 Venue.

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2024 T20 World Cup likely to be moved from the West Indies and USA, ICC approaches England to host the Tournament 

Due to the inadequate advancement of infrastructure in time for the event. The T20 World Cup 2024 will probably be transferred from the West Indies and the USA.

The Caribbean has venues that have previously hosted matches, but this is the first time that the USA is presented with such a high-profile challenge in the context of cricket.

The tournament will start in a year, therefore the ICC is currently carefully weighing its possibilities. The possibility of switching the host countries for the 2024 and 2030 editions is one of the main directions that is being examined.

According to the timetable, England, Ireland, and Scotland will host the T20 World Cup in seven years. But given the current situation, their turn may come sooner.

England, which naturally has the venues prepared to host a massive tournament, hosted the T20 World Cup in 2009. If England, Ireland, and Scotland were to host the 2024 edition. The United States would have plenty of time to finish building its infrastructure, revive cricket in the country with Major League Cricket, and host the event in 2030.

The tournament’s ninth edition is scheduled to take place in 2024.

After the victory in Australia the previous year, England is the defending champions.

Dr. Atul Rai, a former interim chairman and board member of Cricket USA, recently revealed in a press conference

“We don’t have any existing facilities so it’s up to the ICC whether they will invest money in some makeshift venue” – Former Cricket USA interim chairman

The USA Cricket board members do not feel optimistic about the timely completion of the infrastructure.

The ICC recently visited the building sites and was dissatisfied with the progress achieved. Which created the possibility that the tournament could need to be shifted at the last minute.

T20 cricket is not receiving much attention at the international level because of the ODI World Cup. But as soon as the competition in India is over, the spotlight will switch.