Indian star spinner Ravichandran Ashwin is regarded as one of the best spinners who grabs a great deal of attention from around the globe. In addition, his batting abilities cast him in a better perspective. Whereas the stalwart off-spinner has a good record in-home tests, his international numbers have indeed increased in recent years. He was, without a doubt, a key component in India’s 2-1 triumph against Australia the previous year. In this article, we have mentioned Marnus Labuschagne Hails R Ashwin As ‘Tremendous Thinker’.

Ashwin grabbed 12 wickets in 3 games on the swift Australian pitches. He also challenged Marnus Labuschagne, the present top-ranked Test batsman. When asked about his struggle with the Indian spin bowler, the right-handed hitter described Ashwin as a “tremendous thinker of the game.” Labuschagne, commenting on the spinner’s exploits said, Ashwin explores new ways of taking wickets and it is never lacking choices.

“I’ve always been quite good at hitting the ball through there. It’s just more of a tactical decision. As simple as it is, you’ve got to try and hit the ball where there’s the least number of fielders. Now in those times, you’re speaking about, Ashwin had a 6-3 field on the leg-side. He only had point, cover, and slip. And so, the obvious option was giving yourself space and trying and pick your runs through the covers. Just doing whatever it takes really to score through the off-side”, Labuschagne said in an interaction.

It’s really good to play against guys like Ashwin: Labuschagne

“The reason Ashwin’s record is so good is that he’s a tremendous thinker of the game. So, he’s always thinking about how he can get you out. About what you are doing. And so what he’s doing to counter that? And then he seems to go, “Ok now I’m going to change, so that you’re going to do this.” That’s what makes him really good. Now, not all bowlers are like that,” said Labuschagne.

“There are other bowlers who have really good deliveries and can bowl really well but that thinking of getting you out, that’s an acquired skill,” he added. Labuschagne, in particular, is now in Pakistan to feature a historic all-format series. As a result, he’s planning to take on the spinners in the subcontinental country. His struggle and experience with Ravi Ashwin’s tactics will be a good understanding of how to deal with genuine spin.

However, Labuschagne lauded Ashwin’s success in the international standards. “I think Ashwin has played on plenty of wickets where he’s had to create the work, he’s had to create the angles, come tight or come wide. And that’s why it’s really good to play against guys like Ashwin. You obviously have to lift your game because he’s lifted his game,” Marnus concluded.