Welcome to the complete updates of 2nd Test match of England vs Pakistan at Rose Bowl in Southampton:

Cloudy With A Chance Of Short Balls From Pakistan’s Pace Attack:

As a mild shower, Day 3 of the second Test at The Rose Bowl is also likely to be disrupted by rain and mostly cloudy weather is expected. As far as rain is concerned, the prediction for the third day is about 15 percent, and for the remaining two days there is a slight increase (30-35 per cent).

Covers On In Southampton:

Now the covers are on the pitch and dark clouds hang over the stadium. Looks no promising for a rainless Day 3. Looks at the moment that after all we are not going to get the first ball of the day in another 20 minutes. Waiting for word about that seems impossible, but a timely start. The floodlights are already on in Southampton on this dreary morning which will give a reasonable indication of how the day is going to progress.

Delayed Start:

Now it is official. Rain and poor weather postponed the start of Day 3. Right now the rain is of drizzle proportions but the key issue seems to be the low light due to dense clouds, which means that it will be another day of frustrations.

Bleak Signs:

No news is bad news, beginning to Test match days when it comes to postponed. So it looks like there will be headlines for a while now, today. Right now, in Southampton, it is a gloomy sight in the south. Even if the drizzle stops, the problem factor will still be visibility. That brings to mind what some ex-cricketers on the back of those rain delays have said. Put the rose ball out for better visibility! Perhaps the ICC would look into it. Since for years now the plan for closed-roofs stadiums has been stuck in the logistical pipeline.

Close To One Whole Session Being Washed Out:

Lots of anger for neutrals and fans as we get to wash out close to one whole session. But the players in Pakistan are right in the centre. Well not quite in the centre, there are still covers in. Yet they took over the pitch, with the conditions better suited for football than for cricket. The floodlights are on. The floodlights are on. Low light, we think, is still the reason the umpires have not yet given a word.


Lunch was taken. Day 3’s first break but just in a figurative context as we haven’t even had one ball yet. And with that, it suspended the entire first session. Crossed fingers there are good news and more sunlight when we return for the second session.


Therefore, this was to be the planned start of the second session, and the news is that there is no news yet. Light condition appears to have improved but a light drizzle in Southampton continues.

Weather Forecast Does Not Look Good:

If you’re waiting for some good news, today’s wait could last for a while, so settle in. BBC’s forecast suggests the situation in Southampton isn’t going to get any better today. ‘Some dry in between slots’ However, the forecast for the next few days is looking good. And maybe a little bit of a contest cracker given how this pitch acted even after all that. For nearly half of this test, Pakistan, meanwhile, has now officially beaten, and its batsmen were mostly in the dressing room, staring at raindrops on the glass windows.

Umpires Come Out:

Yet a ‘hot spot’ appears to be occurring right now. Contrary to sources, there was no rain and the light improved too. Umpires have sprung up. There are some people standing around. That is an upgrade on whoever stands around. Any idea yet why the covers aren’t covered,’ Andy Zaltzman tweets.

Inspection At 8 PM IST:

Some news: The umpires will follow up their inofficial inspection in another 25 minutes with an official review of the playing conditions. Right now the rain is gone, and the light has changed as well from before. Around 3:30 pm local time, 8 pm IST, fingers crossed what the decision will be.

Light Not Good Enough:

The umpires went out to the center and looked at the light meter and got back inside. From an hour ago the light got worse. So the odds of any play happening on Day 3 look slim.

Day 3 Abandoned Without A Ball Bowled:

The final declaration is in. Without a ball bowled Day 3 was abandoned.