Pakistan Best Opening Pair in T20 WC 2024

Pakistan Best Opening Pair in T20 WC 2024: The T20 World Cup is here and the questions for different positions have roamed around. The topic of discussion for today remains the questions related to the best possible opening pair for Pakistan in this T20 World Cup. In this kind of big stage, you need players, especially the openers need to fire if the teams wants to get going.

Even in the recently concluded Indian Premier League, we have seen that if openers start well then the teams don’t need to worry about scoring big runs. However, over the recent years, we have seen that Pakistan has struggled with its opening pairs as they were unable to make an impact.


The questions around Babar Azam, Md Rizwan, Saim Ayub, and many more youngsters who are in contention for the opener spot. But here it is best to go with Babar Azam and Md Rizwan who have a record of being dangerous.

Best Possible Opening Pair for Pakistan in T20 WC

# Babar Azam and Md Rizwan

Pakistan’s opening duo of Muhammad Rizwan and Babar Azam has shown to be tough. Their collaboration has been fruitful, frequently yielding steady and spectacular beginnings. Rizwan’s aggressive style and Babar’s deft stroke play combine to provide a well-balanced opening combination. They work well together, with Babar anchoring the innings while Rizwan usually adopts the aggressive position. They are more successful because of their comprehension and dashing between the wickets. Babar and Rizwan are excellent choices to start for Pakistan in the T20 World Cup given their past performances.

# Imran Nazir and Ahmed Shehzad

Ahmed Shehzad and Imran Nazir provide a more capable and energetic choice. Despite their lack of previous playing together, their individual talents are impressive. Nazir has a reputation for hitting with explosiveness, which may quickly exert pressure on the opponent. Shehzad, however, is a flexible opener because he blends aggression and skill. Nazir and Shehzad might provide Pakistan with strong starts and rapid acceleration if they can find their form again.

# Fakhar Zaman and Md Rizwan

Mohammad Rizwan and Fakhar Zaman make another interesting duo. Because of his aggressive batting style and rapid scoring, Fakhar may put bowlers off balance right away. When combined with Rizwan, who can modify his style of play according to the situation, this team might be very successful. Because Fakhar is left-handed, the batting order is more varied, which makes it more difficult for bowlers to get into a routine.


Conclusion: Who is the Best Opener Pair for Pakistan

Whoever plays for Pakistan, should be clear that they have to play an aggressive brand of cricket from the get-go in order to have a chance of winning the World Cup. The brand of cricket they try to play will put pressure on another incoming batsman. Pakistan will start their campaign against hosts in their first match of this T20 World Cup, and then the much-awaited India vs Pakistan match will take the limelight as the much-awaited clash of the tournament.