In The Past, Emirates Cricket Board Has Successfully Hosted IPL Matches In UAE:

In view of the COVID 19 pandemic, the Emirates cricket board confirmed its interest to host the IPL this year if India decides to move the Indian Primer League T20 tournament away from the country.

The IPL 13th season was scheduled to begin by the end of March but was indefinitely postponed due to the global health crisis. It is expected that the BCCI will host the event in October if the T20 World Cup would not be held in Australia this year.

The UAE Cricket Board revealed in the “Gulf Papers” the BCCI’s plan to host the IPL.

“IPL matches were held in the UAE successfully by Emirates Cricket Board in the past. Previously, we had hosted many bilateral and multi-national cricket events in UAE “, the newspaper quoted its secretary-general, Mubashshir Usmani.

IPL May Emerge If The ICC Takes A Decision On The Fate Of This Year’s T20 World Cup:

“The Emirates is a desired host for all formats of crickets with their state-of-the-art venues and facilities,” said Usmani. The Emirates Cricket Board has actually offered its venues to the Cricket Board in England and Wales to complete the English season here too.

“We came and gave both England and India our places. We have also hosted matches with England’s squad several times before. If any of the boards accept our bid, then we will be glad to host your matches, “he said.

Sri Lanka Cricket is the second board to express interest to host the IPL if India chooses to host a tournament abroad.

If the ICC makes a decision on the destiny of the T20 World Cup this year at their meeting of the IPL Council through a video conference, it could create a clear picture of the IPL window.